Student Workshops

Anti Racism Student Workshops

Our workshops deliver age-appropriate anti-racism education to Primary and Secndary school students across the uK.

We offer schools bespoke programme packages that can fit into curriculum time and work with different school schedules. 

Teaching anti-racism in schools is hugely important, but often misunderstood, our programme delivers age-appropriate race education in an approachable and engaging way. Whilst creating a  new generation of educated and inclusive leaders.

Workshop Details

Module 1 – Introduction to Racism:

  • Exploring what racism means, how it operates and how we can spot it – focusing on the theoretic framework of the 3-levels of racism (personal, institutional, internal)
  • Understanding internal racism and how non-white minorities can carry negative self-talk simply from growing up as a minority.
  • Using videos, role playing games and mini debates to explore concepts and terminology.

Module 2 – Exploring History & Combatting Stereotypes:

  • Exploring British history – how history has been recorded and why we commonly hear about some versions of history and not others.
  • Exploring how British history impacts on the world we live in today, who is dominant in society, and who is stereotyped in society.
  • The cycle of oppression.
  • Recognising how we stereotype and how to challenge stereotypes.

Module 3 – Combatting Racism For a Better World:

  • Exploring different leadership/activism styles, look at diverse leaders and role models and analyse what qualities they might have.
  • Exploring activism and creating mini-campaigns in groups, exploring how to create the change they want to see.
  • Allyship.
  • Public speaking, critical thinking and using creativity throughout this session.

Our Fees:

Individual Training Days = £400 (for State Schools)/£600 (for Indepedent Schools)

We can usually deliver 3 x 90 minute workshops across 1 full day. We can also fit in a 30-minute assembly in the morning, if time allows.


Book a Call

Book a call with our Director, Lara Sengupta, to discuss our anti-racism student programmes. Suitable for Primary and Secondary schools.

More Programmes
Teacher Training

Anti-Racism Teacher Training focuses on creating a more inclusive and actively anti-racist school culture.

Activism Academy

Launching in January 2023! Register your interest now.